Hey, my name is Brittany Blake
I'm a Full-Stack Developer.

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Hi! I'm Brittany, an American Full-Stack Developer currently exploring Granada, Spain.

I am super passionate about animals, especially dogs and elephants, travel, good food, and crafting simple and beautiful web applications. My interest in web development started when I taught myself HTML & CSS for fun while at University. Five years later, I decided to enroll in Microverse, an online school for remote developers, to delve deeper into the world of web development.

My Resume My Articles


Pet Health Tracking App

This app is a Health and habits tracking app for pets built with React/Redux and Ruby on Rails. The App comprises of a list of categories such as food, walks, appointments. All of the data in this application is retrieved from and posted to my custom Puppy Health RESTful API and is retrieved through the redux store.

This project was built with React, Redux, React-Redux, Material-Ui, React Hooks, Axios, redux-thunk, React-Router, Ruby on Rails and tested with Rspec, Jest and Enzyme

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Job Search App

This Job Search website comprises of a list of the jobs returned by the GitHub Jobs API and a search option to filter the jobs by description or location. All of the data is retrieved from the GitHub Jobs APi and is retrieved through the Redux store.

This project was built with React, Redux, React-Redux, Material-Ui, React Hooks, Axios, redux-thunk, React-Router, GitHubs API and tested with Jest and Enzyme

See Live Source Code

Weather App

This is a weather app that uses the Open-Weather-API to fetch data on the weather of various cities. A user can search for cities and the background image changes depending on the weather in that city.

This project was built with Javascript, Webpack, and the Open Weather API

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Bookable App

The Bookable App is a tracking app that allows a user to register books that they have read and group them into categories/groups of their choosing. The app also allows the user to view the books that other users of the app are reading. As an extra feature, I implemented a searching functionality using the GoodReads API to find information about a particular book.

This project was built with Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Bootstrap, PostgreSQL, Amazon S3 Bucket, Amazon's GoodReads API and tested with Rspec.

See Live Source Code

Ruby Web Scraper

For this project, I built a web scraper which collects information about the description, specifications and prices of the smartphones from a popular technology store. The scraper runs in the terminal and saves the results in a CSV file.

This project was built with Ruby and tested with Rspec.

Source Code


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